Monday, January 25, 2010

Branching Out

Words of Encouragement
new items posted to my Etsy site
all suitable for Valentine gifts for the Loves in your life

Major computer problems, along with internet problems, and family illness have interfered with my bloglife for too long now; I'm losing patience fast!
I really meant to have all of the Valentine items posted on my Etsy site at least two weeks ago, but alas, here they are today.
But don't let me discourage you! There's still plenty of time to order!

Lately I've discovered the power one simple word can hold, hence my new creations--
"Encouraging Words". Visit my Etsy site for details.

The Canadian is encouraging me to branch out.
As you may know, he sponsors weekly life drawing sessions at his studio. He's been encouraging me to participate. Drawing is my first love, but I have moved away from it over the years. He's planning to offer a life drawing course very soon, and wants me to teach beginning drawing classes in preparation for the bigger and better things that we foresee.
I have finally agreed to take a small step out of my cocoon, er, comfort zone. We'll be starting very soon.

1 comment:

Jane said...

That's wonderful! Once you take that step, I'll bet your creativity expands ten fold!